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News and Announcements
Feb. 21, 2018
VERO BEACH, Fla.,/PRNewswire/ -- A consortium of investors and project developers led by Frankens Energy has recently acquired the Indian River Bio-Refinery in Vero Beach, and is currently initiating plans to convert the site into an innovative Eco-District.
January 2, 2019
INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Texas-based consortium that bought the former INEOS and Ocean Spray processing site almost a year ago is ready to move forward with developing it into an industrial “eco district.” The first step, however, is getting rid of unneeded land and equipment.
December 06, 2018
Some of the land and equipment associated with the former Ineos Bio Energy 8 MMgy cellulosic ethanol plant and associated 6 MW bioenergy plant in Vero Beach, Florida, is being offered for sale via an auction with Maas Companies.
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