We're The First Industrial Eco-District On The Eastern Seaboard

Reinvesting In Our Community

New Things, From The Old

IRED is an opportunity to demonstrate how an industrial site can be re-deployed to support & nurture the growth of a series of separate sustainable businesses, while also becoming a shining example of community stewardship. 

Reliable Employment 

When businesses are founded on sustainability, jobs are reliable. The Indian River Eco-District will work with it's members to encourage the employment of 200 - 250 full-time employees in the local community. 

Growth, Not Change 

We anticipate that our members will generate between $40-$60 million dollars of revenue in the community each year. The benefits Vero Beach will experience from this growth is exciting; serving to both enhance & preserve Indian River County.

Vision For The Future

Our aim is to have processes and byproducts that address specific agricultural challenges, advance clean water initiatives and provide paths for the community of Vero Beach & Indian River.

New Hope For Old Problems

The innovative projects being pursued by IRED & it's members will help develop solutions to agricultural ailments plaguing Central Florida & beyond. We also hope to showcase the area's business friendly climate, attract new industry sectors & bring new technologies to the market.

Protecting Our Air, Soil & Water

We believe that air, soil & water pollution are symptoms, rather than root problems. The real problem is industrial inefficiency. A fully efficient system wastes nothing, thus pollution is avoided entirely. Working with our members, we demonstrate how to address the real problems of pollution & not just the symptoms.

Destination IRED

When our vision is fully realized over the next two years, the IRED will be more than a badge of pride for local employees. The community will have opportunities to enjoy cycling trails, schools will be able to engage the next generation of innovators through field trips & families will be able to enjoy weekend trips to IRED.


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